Tiffy Jean
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Shoutouts to My Friends

You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!


Wow Kyle... how the years have passed
I'm so proud of you!
Married to the girl of your dreams...
the one you talked about when I first met you..
like a dream come true huh?
and you're a daddy now too...
Rain Elizabeth Sanchez
and one on the way...
you have a family now...
but I do miss you my sexi Mexican bestest friend!


Hey girl What's up?
Where are you... you gotta call me if you see this.



Hey Justin

I tried to edi the site for you...
I hadn't been on this thing in years
"Do you want the mustashe on or off?.... Well too bad!"