Tiffy Jean
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Cool Quotes

Here's some cool quotes I found at iconhell.com

You know you're in love when all you can think about

is that one special person and you can't stand to be away

from them for more then one second.

You miss then even though they're standing right next to you.

You fall asleep thinking about them,

and dream about them every night.


One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important:

You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away

never knowing that you're my life.


Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop your crying

is the one who made you cry?


The hardest thing in life is watching someone you love,

love someone else. 


It's hard enough when the one you love doesn't love you back,

 but it is even harder to watch him love someone else. 


Missing you isn't what hurts... It's knowing that I once had you,

 that breaks my heart.


You think you know but you have no idea the way I loved you,

 the way I cared, but now your gone and I can't live without you,

my heart still hurts for you, my soul still longs for you,

but my head tells me you are the one I have been waiting for

my whole life.


I just wanted to see you smile, I just wanted you to be fine,

 I just wanted you to be satisfied with me

and all my many imperfections,

I just wanted you to be mine.


There are 3 different kinds of guys:
1. nice guys
2. Best friend guys
3. Guys that don’t respect their friendship for you...
right now I am thinking about guy # 3...


Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice,

and falling in love was beyond my control.


Should I smile because we are friends or should I cry

because I know that's all we will ever be?


Once upon a time it happened to me,

the sweetest thing that could ever be.

 It was a fantasy, a dream come true.

It was the day that I met you.


I wish you were here
I wish you were here holding me
I wish you were here kissing me
I wish you were here making everything okay
But really I just wish you were here...


Nothing is more painful than relizing that

he meant everything to you but you meant nothing to him


a girl and a guy can just be friends

but at 1 point they will fall for each other

and their lives wont be the same.

i keep waiting for this to happen with u

but it hasnt and my heart is slowly starting break.

i'm away crying over u.:


I'm not supposed to love you
I'm not supposed to care
I'm not supposed to live my life,wishing you were there
I'm not supposed to wonder
Where you are or what to do
But I can't help it cuz
I'm in love with you .....


I'm giving up on loving
you I cant take the pain you've put me through
Deep down I know the feelings are always there
Maybe someday you will care
At least for now I can hide my pain
I know if I dont, I'll go insane
Our time apart has made me realize
There is no second chance when it comes to guys
I almost had you back one time
But of course, you changed your mind
The many excuses that you have told
Are getting lame and really old
We never talk anymore
Its like a room to ur life and u've slammed the door
It hurts to know you've shut me out
Now i know wut love is all about
You're happy then u cry and cry
Where there was truth becomes all lies
All in all it never ends for good
But then again, who thought it would?


Dont worry, i wont miss you TOO much......you'll be in my dreams!


call him the man of my dreams cuz the only place i'll ever have him is in my dreams....


after all this time..
you'd think i wouldn't feel the same...
but time doesn't stand for anything...
cause my feelings for you haven't changed..


Love is thinking about them all day and all night

no matter how hard you try to stop
Love is every moring you wake up he is the 1st face that pops in your mind and the last face b4 u fall asleep
Love is the tickles that you get in your tummy

 everytime you see their face in ur head
Love is the warmth and protection you felt the first time u saw him
Love is the best feeling you could ever have
U have the key to my heart
Ur the only one to come in
Someday U'll find the way!
I Love U!!!!


Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true,

everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.


Statement of Love: The Kiss
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you GO


i loved you once,
you loved me not,
i loved you twice,
but then i thought,
you dont love me,
and never will,
but even so,
i love you still!!!


I left a tear drop for you in the ocean,

the day you find is the day i'll stop loving you!


"A person knows he has found his true love when he calls that person

and says: Honey, I just killed someone. And that person's response is: where do we hide the body?


The hardest thing about life

 is watching the one you love love someone else.


Love is when you find *someone* that you can't live without

and you can't even imagine what your life would be like without them.

*Someone* who is like your best friend and you can be yourself around them. It's when words can't even come close to how your heart feels. Even though people might think you're foolish, you know that you and your *special someone* are meant to be together. And if you have to wait forever, that you will. Because you know your life will finally be complete with them.


See if I were to loose you I wouldnt only be loosing the man of my dreams.... But also my bestfriend.


I have found men who didn't know how to kiss.
I've always found time to teach them.